Journal of Development Innovations <p>The Journal of Development Innovations (JDI) is a double blind peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to promote innovative and creative ideas in the field of economic development, growth, and sustainability. The journal accepts articles from any field that relates to economic development and growth, spanning, for example, from environment and climate change to science and engineering. The journal is published online twice in a year by KarmaQuest International.</p> <p>The KarmaQuest International conducts research in its Innovation Lab whereas it applies the innovative ideas on the ground through its Impact Lab. Journal of Development Innovations is published under its Innovation Lab. Authors are requested to submit their innovative contributions so we can impact the world together in a positive way.</p> en-US (Bamadev Paudel) (Bamadev Paudel) Fri, 24 Jan 2025 22:46:00 +0000 OJS 60 Impact of Serum Electrolyte Changes in Children with Acute Diarrhea: Identifying the Risk Factors on Children's Health Outcomes and Its Impact in Society <p><em>This study was conducted at </em><em>pediatric department of</em><em> National Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Birgunj, Nepal to identify Sodium and Potassium disturbances in acute diarrhea and its role on children's health outcomes. Ninety one admitted patients of acute diarrhea between the ages of 1 month to 5 years were studied and the results showed </em><em>highly significant relationship between serum electrolyte changes and dehydration</em><em>. Majority of the subjects had electrolyte abnormalities (57%) with hypokalemia in 37.4%, hyponatremia in 23.1%, hypernatremia in 7.7%, and hyperkalemia in 4.4%. Majority of cases were male (57%) while more cases of severe dehydration appeared amongst the female (15.4%) than male (6.6%) indicating less utilization of the health care services by female. This study revealed that serum electrolytes should be monitored closely in patients with acute diarrhea to minimize diarrhea induced morbidity and mortality. The study also identified the variety of risk factors associated with high incidence of diarrhea, including drinking water without any treatment, improper hand washing, and gender discrimination and forwarded recommendation for wide range of prevention strategies including health education, personal hygiene, and household sanitation.</em></p> Sarita KC Copyright (c) 2022 Tue, 26 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Strengthening the Role of Inter-Organizational Relationships (IORs) to Improve Rural Women’s Access on Microcredit: The Case Study of Nepal Women Community Service Center in Dang, Nepal <p><em>This case study observed the Inter-Organisational Relationships (IORs) of Nepal Women Community Service Centre (NWCSC), a financial NGO in Western Nepal, in order to assess the strength and weaknesses of the IORs of the NWCSC on the basis of the three ‘C’ framework – namely competition, co-operation, and co-ordination. The study found that there is a lack of proper communication and co-ordination between the government agencies and NGOs, even within the government agencies themselves. This highlighted the fact that poor women in the rural areas are deprived of any meaningful support they would otherwise have access to. Institutional constraints facing such NGOs include lack of trained manpower, limited access to information technology, comparatively low salary and benefits, and extended working hours for the staff. The prescribed best practices for financial NGOs included investing in training and developing strategies to reach out to the marginalized poor whereas the government, particularly the central bank, can enforce strict measures to discourage unhealthy competition among the microfinance institutions (MFIs) and encourage them to reduce their high interest rates to the borrowers.</em></p> Bhagirath Yogi Copyright (c) 2022 Tue, 26 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of Saving and Credit Co-operatives in Rural Women Empowerment in Dang, Nepal <p><em>Access and control over financial resources is necessary for long-term sustainability of women’s empowerment and their economic progress.</em> <em>This study investigates the role of savings and credit co-operative (SCC) in rural women empowerment in Dang, Nepal. Fifty members of Sirjana Women Saving and Credit Co-operative (SWSCC), Dang, Nepal were considered for the study. The results show that the members of the SWSCC have benefited from SCC with improved savings and access to credit/loans. The members have increased capital investment and started small scale businesses, which contributed to reducing their poverty levels. Only 20% of the households had annual income of more than NRs 100 thousand before joining the cooperative but this number increased to 54% after joining the cooperative. In addition, SWSCC was observed to be providing adult literacy classes to its members resulting in literate adults which helped in empowering the women. In addition, instances that women made decisions on health check-ups of the family members and participation on social meetings increased. The positive outcomes of the study suggest that the Nepalese women should increase their savings and eventually ensure their socio-economic empowerment as well as contribute to the economic development of rural areas in Nepal.</em></p> Bhup KC Copyright (c) 2022 Tue, 26 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000