The Wealth of the World Project
Engaging people to enhance global welfare and create more wealth for the world!
Create your Own Job, Youth (COJY)
This program intends to mitigate growing unemployment among young population one one hand and enhance welfare in the society on the other. International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that nearly 75 million young individuals aged between 15 and 24 are currently unemployed. Our long-term goal is to introduce the programs that help increase employability of these individuals. The program encourages young individuals to create their own job opportunities by themselves. The program is called ‘Create your Own Job, Youth’ (COJY). Unlike traditional approaches in which a person strives for obtaining a job in formal job market after achieving certain qualification (such as certain level of education and vocational trainings), we have developed a complementary approach in which youth are encouraged to invent ways to create their own job or increase their employability which will exploit the prevailing conditions in which they are living with or the technological change that’s taking place in their surroundings. For this, we facilitate through various creative ideas and supportive roles.We begin with targeting youth cohorts in marginalized communities who may come helpful in mitigating problems prevailing in their communities and transform them, on one hand, into a better place to live and create jobs for themselves on the other. In this program, the person seeking job identifies the problem prevailing in the society and come up with possible solutions. Such individuals will then be connected with international donors who are interested in leaving the positive impact in such communities with their contributions. The role of KarmaQuest International is to work as a bridge to connect such youth workers and the donors. The workers must work under the supervision of participating genuine NGOs or community partners.We plan to create a pool of such workers from around the world. They include educators, environmentalists, social activists, human right activists, legal service advisors and others who come helpful to transform their societies. The workers will be assigned ratings based on the number of hours served in the communities and the quality of services they provided. The donors will be provided the details on how the job was accomplished. The participating NGO or community partner is required to send the details on the work done, including the verification from the family or community served. KarmaQuest International will do the final approval of the task accomplished before the payments are made. In the case of not approval from us, the amount paid will be refunded to the donor. We pursue all avenues possible to ascertain that the worker genuinely worked for the intended job, ranging from attendance verification from targeted family or community itself, satisfaction ratings on quality of service provided, supporting pictures or videos and other pertinent testimonials.
The underlying feature of this program is also to exploit the benefit from wage differential between developed and the developing countries. Our study shows that the average minimum wage in top 20 high-wage countries is 23 times larger than the average minimum wage of bottom 20 low-wage countries. This suggests that when an individual works at minimum wage in a high-wage country and he/she makes a donation of one-hour wage, his/her counterpart in the low-wage country on average will work for 23 hours for the same one-hour wage earned in the high-wage country, that is, it is equivalent to nearly three full-time work days in low-wage country.
Taking this fact into consideration, this program was designed to connect philanthropic people in developed world with the people who are desperately in need of job in developing countries who want to work multiple hours for the same wage to transform their societies. This is also a good opportunity for international donors who want to volunteer in developing countries but can’t make trips in those countries. They would rather work at home at any job they like, donate the part of their earnings thorough this program and pick up an individual to work on behalf of them in a program or country of their choice in the developing world. Our belief is that this unique international volunteering model creates multiple positive benefits both in developed and developing countries. First, international donors can work at home and they don’t need to sacrifice time traveling abroad which will contribute for the production of goods or services in their own home country from their current job. Second, the money will also contribute to the production of even larger amount of goods or services through many-fold hours of work in the underdeveloped part of the world. Third, the contribution will produce positive outcomes in most deprived communities. Forth, donors will save travel costs. Fifth, the contribution will expand NGOs’ capacity in their operation with more workers available to them.